Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sam has made a stupid decision and stolen Jillian's mobile, so in turn, Jillian stole Sam's MacBook. Whilst she was running away with it, Sam locked her in the basement.
Luckily, Jillian escaped and for further retaliation, decided to post upon his blog.
Stay tuned for more sibling tomfoolery.....

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Memories of my past

A cupel years ago I took guitar lessons, and then my guitar teacher moved away. I still keep my guitar in my bedroom but i never find the time tune it, and who wants to play a untuned guitar?

But one morning before we started taking lessons my dad played us a video of a guy playing guitar, but he didn't let us watch it, at first he just said "listen to this" and after we were done listening he said "how long do you think it take you to learn play that?" some of us said a year, some of us said six months, and then he said "now watch it" In this video a armless guy was playing guitar with his two feet, and after we were done watching the video my dad said "How long do you think it took him to play that?"

It just makes you think, if you have the will and determination to do something, you can do basically anything, and thats just saying without God, with God your unstoppable.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I went skiing this past weekend with my family, it was nice, I have never been skiing before it was fun. I had this really good skiing instructor named Zack, he was EXTREMELY HELPFUL!!! I wouldn't be half as good as I am without him, don't get me wrong I still stink terribly.

.....CONFESSION TIME I fell at least fifty times (on all the easy/green hills/mountains whatever)
over the time period of two days, and it's not like I was out all day ether. My dad was a huge help too.

BUT, i'm no superman nobody is perfect, and I'm on my way to becoming a half way decent skier.

Genius little me forgot my camera ): But luckily for me my big sister did. (: YAY so i will try to upload some pics ASAP

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


This past weekend I went to a New years eve party/80th birthday party for my grandmothers sister in-law, a part of my family I don't really know that well, but it was nice party. And it goes to show how big my family actually is.

Happy New Year

I hope everyone has had a GREAT 2010, and will have and even better 2011.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dawn Treader

I went the Voyage of the dawn treader yesterday!
It was very good. :) The ending seen was very sad ;(

See more on my other blog. :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I've Been Reading

I've reading a lot lately, well at least a lot more than I usually do. Just basically bits and pieces of books, like The Call of the Wild by Jack London and To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee,
i am really enjoying to kill a mocking bird, everyone who says it's a good book is right.

I recently read the book The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson, it was actually pretty good, better than thought it would be, in my mind it was very well written, and really interesting.

I'm finding I actually like old literature!